What Will Replace the Administrative State?

The chaos this administration has sown since inauguration has effectively begun to achieve its primary goal--the dismantling of the administrative state. This is not being done as one would suspect by passing laws or taking advantage of a shock event like a terrorist attack, but by simply weakening of our trust in our traditional institutions, including the presidency. All of our formerly beloved institutions now look weak and incompetent as they fumble their responses to Trump's unpredictable behavior.

Through all the noise, we are overlooking what will be left behind in the Administrative State's wake that fearful, stability-loving Americans will frantically scramble to embrace when their security is threatened--a justice system built on a resuscitated war on drugs, militarized law and order policing, voter suppression, and maximum sentencing; a national security apparatus focused more on deportation, blocking immigration, and stoking fear than preventing terrorism; invigorated churches now able to fully insinuate themselves into the political process and schools, involve themselves in policing, and freely discriminate against gays, women, and the undeserving poor; a severely diminished social safety net with the weakening or dissolution of the ACA, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security; and the elimination of environmental, labor, and consumer protections that let the .1% run roughshod over our economy, political system, and society. This isn't a prediction--this is all happening now.

What is to come will not be the free, egalitarian America with healthy institutions that we have always known and loved, but the fear and punishment-oriented dystopia that we will inherit and will be forced to accept, no matter our political inclinations, when all of this is said and done.


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