Fearlessness During Pentecost

Those of you who know me, know that I am a quiet but unabashed atheist. So you may be surprised to hear that my wife and I, as we occasionally do, attended Sunday Mass with our closest friends. When we go, it is typically because our goddaughter is singing a solo in the choir. She is turning 12 and has only been singing for a little over a year, but already has a resonant and very disciplined voice. But it was not just her singing that was remarkable this Pentecost, but her unwavering strength throughout her solo, as I shall relate.

The priest was a somewhat frail older man, pushing 80, who had recently undergone knee surgery. He began his sermon exhorting his congregation to remain fearless in the face of adversity, much as the disciples did after Jesus was said to have appeared to them, which gave them the strength to go out and evangelize. This seemed only appropriate given that it was Pentecost and that several terrorist acts had struck Europe in the last few weeks. But I didn't in the moment pay it any special attention.

That was, until the priest ended the sermon and moved to bless the Eucharist. When he went to pass the silver tray to an usher, his knee gave out and he fell, hard. The tray and Eucharist clattered loudly to the ground. Congregants rushed the dais to help him to his feet. It looked like it would be mayhem.

But instead, unsteady, the priest stood up with assistance, took a handkerchief from one of the ushers, straightened his cassock, and turned to face the congregation. He carefully wiped blood from a serious cut on his cheek and ear, but his first instinct was not to take a break to attend to his wounds, but to calm and reassure everyone. He then proceeded to finish Communion.

Throughout this, our goddaughter had been in the middle of her solo. Beautiful as always...and she didn't pause or miss a beat through the entire incident.

After the service, she came up to us in the pews and said, "wow, I thought there was a terrorist attack with all the noise behind me." When my wife asked how she remained so calm, she responded, "because they teach us to never get distracted or be afraid."

At that point it struck me that the gentle priest exhibited more true manliness and strength than the chest thumping "alpha male" who currently occupies the presidency. Rather than telling people to be fearful and vigilant, even when you have the world's most powerful military and nuclear arsenal at your disposal, this unarmed, frail priest did the opposite. Not only did he exhibit uncommon strength and fearlessness, nor did he just put his congregants' needs before his own, but he had instilled in our goddaughter that same strength and fearlessness. Of course, her parents had not a small hand in raising such a strong daughter, but this priest and his congregation exhibited the highest nobility and strength that America has to offer.

Ultimately the incident proved to me that remaining calm and fearless is the best weapon against the challenges and threats we are currently facing from terrorists and home grown racists. These monsters feed on fear, and no amount of wall building or bellicosity will keep us as safe as emulating that priest and our goddaughter.


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